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Monday, July 27, 2015

Hello Everybody!

Alright, here’s the deal.  This blog of mine, well, as you can see by my entries, we’ve been on again and off again…and on again and off again.  Classic blog/blogger drama as I’m sure many of you bloggers can relate.  I guess I could say my blog and I (for those old enough to remember) are the Ross and Rachel of blog/blogger. 

I know this has mostly been my doing.  OK, it has been all of my doing.  My blog has been really good to me.  While I’m neglecting it, my blog has been here waiting patiently for me to pay attention to it – to add something to this relationship.  Selfishly, I’ve been off making new products, or updating old ones.  I’ve been changing covers and adding my logo to them as if I’m just begging for attention.  I’ve been, well, yes, I’ll admit it - I’ve also been spending time with my old previews, but I swear it was just over coffee nothing more.  To my defense though, I thought we were...“on a break?” 

So here it is, for the whole world to read, “Blog…it’s not you.  It’s me.” 

I’m in this relationship 110% and I don’t expect my blog to instantaneously forgive me for my neglect.  I’ll just prove how sorry I am by letting my actions speak louder than my words.   
OK, that was a little embarrassing, but I felt it needed to be done.  I’m going to give my blog and I a week to rebuild our relationship, solidify our foundation, and then I’ll be adding new posts to my blog EVERY MONDAY!  My posts may be about new products, experiences in the classroom, things I’m working on, or who knows, it might at times be just a free-floating rant about whatever is on my mind that day.  Next week Monday, I’ll be back fully-charged and ready to share my thoughts about my first TpT conference I attended this past July.  Also, there will be a deal you can’t pass up if you teach U.S. History!

See you Monday!

Surviving Social Studies

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to reintroduce yourself -- this post is great! Looking forward to next Monday and all the ones to come! :-)
